martedì, luglio 25, 2006

You know you're in trouble when...

Editorialists in the Russian media are calling your government authoritarian and dictatorial:

From the St. Petersburg (Russia, not Miami) Times:

Specter’s bill also represents a message from the American Establishment, giving its imprimatur to the codification of presidential dictatorship as the new form of government in the United States, replacing the constitutional republic established in 1789. The bill embraces the core of Bush’s claim to authoritarian rule: that the president cannot be restrained by any law or court ruling in his arbitrary actions on any “matters pertaining” to national security — and of course it is the president who will decide, in secret, what pertains to national security and what does not.


Anonymous Anonimo said...

You can't fool me. Bill O'Reilly didn't say anything about this new dictatorship, and you know he would because he's a no-spin straight-shooting kind of guy.

This is clearly just the liberal Russian media trying to tilt the upcoming US mid-term elections so those tree hugging commie Democrats might win a few seats in Congress.

12:00 AM, luglio 26, 2006  

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