mercoledì, luglio 26, 2006

Take this job and shove it

Yesterday afternoon, as my last act before leaving work, I submitted my Request for Unqualified Resignation from Active Duty in the United States Navy.

It was a good day.

(Update, 7/28: Due to concerns expressed by some people reading this, I need to clarify that there is nothing wrong nor was there any specific event prompting a sudden resignation from the Navy. Rather, there is a rather lengthy process imposed upon officers desiring to resign from active duty, such that those officers (i.e., me) need to submit said resignation to the Secretary of the Navy 9-12 months prior to their desired detachment date. So it's not exactly like dropping your two-week notice. Because, as nice as that might be, you just can't do that here. Anyway, it's all planned out and my actual resignation date, once approved, will coincide nicely with my desire to get a little time off prior to starting law school in September 2007. But the authors do deeply appreciate the concern expressed and hope that we have answered any questions you might have about this. And by "the authors," and "we," I mean, "I.")


Anonymous Anonimo said...

Sometimes it's easy to forget not everyone is a military brat who understands these things, isn't it?

3:23 AM, luglio 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

well, at least i was able to ween more information out of you about laura... worth the long distance phone call, I think.

3:00 PM, luglio 28, 2006  

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