martedì, settembre 05, 2006

Obligatory Tourist Photo

Best suggestion for a caption wins a free copy of the shirtless version of this picture.


Anonymous Anonimo said...

I'll give you $10 not to post the shirtless version...

3:58 AM, settembre 06, 2006  
Blogger Chris said...'s going to take a little more than that. Also, I'm planning to email it to everyone I know.

6:34 AM, settembre 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

I'd rather win one of those 54 bottles of wine that you bought with "Laura".

4:12 AM, settembre 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

If Atlas held the World on his shoulders, why are you sweating just holding up a tiny tower?
I see Tim's offer of $10 for you not to remove your shirt and I raise it $20.
Love Dad.

3:42 AM, settembre 27, 2006  

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