mercoledì, settembre 14, 2005

I'm delinquent in posting it, but my great-grandmother, a pretty impressive lady, passed away on Saturday. My brother has the obituary and a very nice photo tribute.

She was a ripe old 93, so it's not like it was unexpected. But it's still sad. She still lived on her own in her old little cottage until about two months ago--adamantly refused to let anybody move her out of there until she was just too weak to stay. And she always had her fridge stocked with Budweiser (mostly for herself, even in her 90s) (although I was recently informed that she upgraded from Schafer sometime in the 1980s). And every year without fail, including this year, she always sent me a card for my birthday with a check for $10 scrawled out in her nearly-illegible old-lady handwriting. And she always apologized that it couldn't be more, but she had to give all the great-grandkids the same amount, see. And of course once I got too old to feel like I should be taking my great-grandmother's money, I wouldn't cash the checks. And then the next time I visited or called, she'd scold me for not cashing it yet, because I was messing up her accounting and how could she balance the checkbook, and so I'd feel guilty and go deposit it. She could be pretty fiesty when she wanted to be.

Kick some ass up there, Great-Grandma. Say hi to Pop for me.


Anonymous Anonimo said...

You should fix that link to my website. There are too many "http://"'s in it.

11:42 PM, settembre 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

Also, don't know if you talked to anybody, but Tommy the Cat was at the funeral in his urn right next to Great Grandma, and the pastor sang the Schafer jingle (Schafer is the one to have, when you're having more than one), which was pretty awesome.

1:27 AM, settembre 17, 2005  

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