lunedì, gennaio 30, 2006

Apparently, auditors have figured out that a lot of money in Iraq just sort of disappeared under the watch of the U.S. reconstruction officials during the earlier days of the reconstruction.

I wonder if they've tried looking under Dick Cheney's mattress.


Anonymous Anonimo said...

I'm pretty sure this is old news. I mean, I know I'm hearing it on NPR right now, but I would bet money that I heard it at least a year ago if not more. If only we had some kind of opposition party that would hold the current administration accountable...

7:23 AM, gennaio 30, 2006  
Blogger Chris said...

Yeah, it actually originally surfaced six months or so ago, I think. But we didn't care because we were all busy looking for Natalie Holloway.

6:23 PM, gennaio 30, 2006  

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