sabato, gennaio 21, 2006

Sadly, today's adventure in search of a sea kayak ended in failure. I emailed the company that manufactures them and they sent me the names of a two stores in the general area (by which I mean "within an hour's drive") . One of the stores is in Pozzuoli, which is the city that I live in the outskirts of, and I figured that would be more convenient than the other one, which is probably about an hour away in a town I've never heard of. So I drove into downtown Pozzuoli, accomplished the nearly-impossible feat of finding parking, and found the store with very little problem (having consulted a map last night). Unfortunately, the store doesn't so much sell kayaks and sporting goods as it sells preppy "yacht-club" type clothing. So it looks like I'm gonna have to drag myself out of town to find one. It wasn't a complete failure, though--walked around the port area in Pozzuoli and checked out all the little shops and stuff; it's actually a very nice city. Much more managable than downtown Napoli, and much better kept. Drove around and found a couple nice little shoreline neighborhoods that I've been meaning to find for the last few months, with all kinds of good restaraunts and such. So at least it was a useful day out in that respect.