domenica, luglio 24, 2005

I was going to include this in my last post, but it seemed worthy of its own space. An excerpt from the afterward to RFK, Jr's book, "Crimes Against Nature" (emphasis is my own):

"Blue state residents care as deeply about family values as those in red states. In fact, the divorce rates and unmarried pregnancy rates tend to be far lower in blue states than red ones. Massachusetts has the most durable marriages in America. Divorce and teen birth rates in Texas are nearly double those of the Bay State's.

"Every single one of the nine states with the highest divorce rates went for Bush. The nine states with the lowest divorce rates went for Kerry. Marriage itself is less popular in Texas than in Massachusetts. In Texas, the percentage of unmarried people is 32.4 percent. In Massachussetts, it's 26.8 percent. Red state residents are more likely to watch salacious shows like Desperate Housewives, buy por...graphy, commit murder and other violent crimes, and impregnate your teenage daughter than blue state citizens...."

Hmm...maybe the evil liberals are onto something here, with their "birth control" and their "well-funded public education" and their "gun control laws."

He then goes on to point out how sadly misinformed Bush supporters are about world events (although the Kerry numbers scare me, too):
  • 75% (vice 30% of Kerry supporters) believed there was clear evidence linking Iraq to 9/11
  • 72% (26% of Kerry) believed Iraq had WMD
  • 75% (30% of Kerry) believed Iraq was providing substantial support to Al Q
  • 82% thought the world thought better of us due to the Iraq invasion (86% of Kerry supporters disagreed)
...and so on.

He's making the point as to why the average US citizen has no idea what's going on with the environment (because the media sucks), but it's soooo applicable to soooo many other things.